The Magdalene Deception: Book 1 by Gary McAvoy

"This is the first book in the Magdalene trilogy. Father Michael Dominic comes across an old manuscript, a letter written by Mary Magdalene. Magdalene reveals that she is the wife of Jesus. She further writes that after Jesus’ death, she removed his remains from the crypt. After authenticating the manuscript, Father Dominic wrestles with the pros and cons of revealing its contents. The revelation would undermine the premise of Christianity, that Jesus ascended into heaven, body and spirit. A Vatican thriller of politics and corruption, complicate the matter. A page turner. If you liked The DaVinci Code, you should enjoy this. The Prologue reviews chapters for fact vs. fiction." - E. Pasquali

4/4 stars.

Published by on July 14, 2022
Last Modified July 16, 2024