Deacon King Kong by James McBride

"This is a story steeped in New York City, most especially the underside of the city. The dialogue is rich, lively and colorful and the narrative is populated by unforgettable characters. You can actually HEAR the characters speaking; their voice, the cadence of their words. The author brings them to life. Now....a confession. This is a book selected by my book club for all of us to read and I would not have otherwise chosen it. I have no interest in gangsters, crime and drug dealers and really don't care about anyone in this book except perhaps the Deacon in the title. So I do recommend it as a good book for fans of NYC's seamier life but I'm not thrilled that I have to read a book I'm not engaged with. Big praise to the author, however, for entertaining me even though I'm not having as good a time as I might have wanted to have." - C. Murray

3/4 stars.

Published by on August 19, 2021
Last Modified July 16, 2024